Cold Weather is Coming, and So Are Rodents

Rodents Are Moving In

The title of this blog says it all, really! It’s that time of year again when the changing of the seasons brings about changes everywhere. Even as Texans accustomed to warm weather for most months out of the year, it is important for us to recognize that even with small drops in temperature, many pests are looking for warmer places to take shelter and make a home for the fall and winter seasons.

As the Grand Prairie and surrounding areas’ pest experts, we’re here to tell you all about the types of rodents that will be looking to your home for shelter and what you can do to keep them out this year.

Winter and Pests

Just like humans, rodents like mice, rats, and raccoons don’t want to spend the entire winter season outside. And just like us, they’ll seek shelter in any warm and cozy environment they can find. Non-rodent pests you should also be on guard for include:

  • Termites
  • Cockroaches
  • Beetles

Even if you don’t squirm at the sight of an insect or small animal, having them in your home can expose you to a whole host of diseases, decrease your indoor air quality, and damage parts of your home.

Keeping Them Outside

Now that we’ve covered why pests enjoy your warm home and how they can be a nuisance, let’s discover what you can do to keep them outside where they belong.


Guarding your home on the outside is a great starting point for pest control. As this is where rodents live, keeping them away from the get-go will decrease your chances of infestation.

Clean Up

Begin by simply cleaning up the yard. Rodents love to take shelter in brush and other yard debris and the closer these piles are to your home, the easier it will be for the rodents to find their way inside.


Pruning trees near your house is another great way to prevent rodent entry. These animals are excellent climbers and jumpers and one branch lingering too close to your house could be a perfect gateway for them to access your attic.


There are likely plenty of vulnerable spots in your home’s foundation, structure, and siding that are potential points of entry for critters. Take time to find these areas and seal them well, keeping in mind that small rodents can squeeze through incredibly small holes!


While you may be a wonderful host who enjoys creating a welcoming environment for guests, don’t let the rodents know that! Here are a few things you can do inside the home to discourage pest entry.

Tidy Up

It’s no secret that rodents are drawn to dirty and grimy places. Keeping a clean home goes a long way in making rodents feel unwelcome in the home. This includes sweeping up crumbs, clearing away cluttered areas, and especially keeping food properly stored.

Check Doors, Windows, and Walls

Now that you’ve sealed up the outside of your home, it’s time to take a look inside. Make sure door and window screens are not torn or missing, check door seals, and try to locate any additional weak spots around baseboards and ceilings.

The Best Solution

With all of these tips in mind, it’s important to note the most effective way to keep rodents out of your home: a visit from your pest control team. If you already have an infestation on your hands, the team at Paragon Pest Control should be your first call! In addition to wildlife removal, our specialists will provide you with additional advice to keep these rodents gone for good, through winter and beyond.

Give us a call at (972) 449-4233 for all your pest control needs this fall and winter.