All About Arachnids

The spookiest time of the year calls for a breakdown of one of the most feared pests we deal with: spiders.

Spiders are some of the most feared and misunderstood creatures on our planet. While we may not want them crawling through our homes, they actually play a vital role in our ecosystem. There are thousands of different species of spiders, and each one has its own unique characteristics. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at these fascinating creatures.

Spider Species

While there are a huge variety of spiders lurking about worldwide, there are a few we more commonly see in the United States. These include:

Black Widow

One of the most venomous spiders in North America, black widows are easily identified by their glossy black bodies and red hourglass shape on their abdomen. The female spider is more dangerous than the male, and their bites can cause serious health problems in humans.

Brown Recluse

These brown spiders get their name from their shy, reclusive nature. They are most commonly found in the Midwest and the Southeast of the United States. Brown recluse bites can cause serious skin damage and even death, so it is important to be able to identify them.

Wolf Spider

These large spiders can grow up to two inches long and are usually dark brown or gray in color. They got their name from their hunting habits, as they chase down their prey instead of building webs to catch them. Wolf spiders are found all over the world and are not considered dangerous to humans.

Fun Facts About Spiders

Now that we've taken a look at some of the different types of spiders out there, let's learn some fun, or not so fun, facts about our 8-legged friends.

  • Spiders are not insects, they are actually arachnids. This means they have eight legs instead of six.
  • A group of spiders is called an intrusion.
  • The biggest spider in the world is the goliath birdeater spider, which can grow up to 12 inches in length and weigh over six ounces.
  • Spiders can live up to 20 years in captivity, but most only live for one to two years in the wild.
  • Most spiders are not dangerous to humans, and their bites will only cause minor irritation, redness, and swelling.
  • Spiders are found on every continent in the world except for Antarctica.
  • All spiders are carnivores and will kill their prey before eating it.

Why Spiders Are Important

While spiders may not be the most popular creatures, it is important to remember the role they play in our ecosystem. These eight-legged critters are actually quite interesting and helpful creatures. Spiders help keep insect populations under control and some species even help pollinate flowers. If you find a spider in your home, there is no need to panic.

Most spiders pose no threat to humans and can actually be helpful in getting rid of other pests.

However, if you're dealing with a serious spider problem, it's time to call in the experts.

Keeping Spiders Out of Your Home

The best way to keep spiders out of your home is to prevent them from getting inside in the first place. Spiders usually enter homes through small cracks and crevices. To help keep them out, you should:

  • Seal any cracks or openings around your home, both inside and out. Caulk and weatherstripping can be used to fill small cracks and seal doors and windows.
  • Keep your home clean and clutter-free. Spiders like to hide in dark, secluded areas. By decluttering your home, you are making it less inviting for them.
  • Remove any spider webs you see around your home. This will help discourage spiders from setting up shop.
  • Use a natural spider repellent. This can be something as simple as spraying essential oils around your home.

And, the most important preventative measure of all, call the Paragon Pest Control
at (972) 449-4233!

Our innovative techniques will take care of any current infestations, and help prevent future ones from happening. Schedule your first services with us today!