Friday FAQ: West Nile Virus - What It Is and How to Protect Your Home

Image of news article referencing West Nile Virus with text overlay: Friday FAQ

Friday FAQ: West Nile Virus - What It Is and How to Protect Your Home

Welcome to another edition of Friday FAQ! Today, we’re tackling an important topic: West Nile Virus. Understanding this virus and knowing how to protect your home from mosquitos is crucial for the safety and well-being of your family.

What is West Nile Virus?

West Nile Virus is a mosquito-borne virus that can cause serious health issues in humans. It is most commonly spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. While many people infected with West Nile Virus may not show any symptoms, about 1 in 5 people will develop a fever and other symptoms. In rare cases, severe illness such as encephalitis or meningitis can occur, affecting the central nervous system.

How is West Nile Virus Transmitted?

The primary mode of transmission for West Nile Virus is through the bite of an infected mosquito. Mosquitos become infected when they feed on infected birds. Once infected, mosquitos can then spread the virus to humans and other animals through their bites.

Symptoms of West Nile Virus

Most people (about 80%) who are infected with West Nile Virus do not experience any symptoms. However, some may develop mild symptoms such as:

  • Fever

  • Headache

  • Body aches

  • Joint pains

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Rash

Severe symptoms, which occur in less than 1% of infected people, can include:

  • High fever

  • Stiff neck

  • Disorientation

  • Coma

  • Tremors

  • Seizures

  • Paralysis

Protecting Your Home from Mosquitos

Preventing mosquito bites is the best way to reduce the risk of West Nile Virus. Here are some effective strategies to protect your home and family:

  1. Eliminate Standing Water: Mosquitos breed in standing water. Regularly check your property for any areas where water can accumulate, such as flower pots, bird baths, and gutters. Empty and clean these areas frequently to prevent mosquito breeding.

  2. Maintain Your Yard: Keep your grass trimmed and remove any debris or standing water that can create breeding grounds for mosquitos.

  3. Use Mosquito-Repellent Products: Apply mosquito repellents containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus when spending time outdoors. Additionally, use mosquito nets and screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitos out of your home.

  4. Install Outdoor Fans: Mosquitos are weak fliers and can be deterred by outdoor fans, which create a breeze that makes it difficult for them to fly.

  5. Professional Mosquito Reduction Services: At Paragon Pest Control, we offer comprehensive mosquito reduction services designed to reduce mosquito populations around your home. Our Mosquito Reduction and Mosquito Reduction Plus Plans include regular treatments and inspections to ensure your property remains protected.

Paragon Pest Control’s Mosquito Reduction Services

Our team at Paragon Pest Control is dedicated to providing effective mosquito reduction solutions tailored to your specific needs. Our expert technicians are trained to identify potential breeding sites and apply treatments that effectively reduce mosquito populations. By choosing our services, you can enjoy a pest-free environment and peace of mind knowing your family is protected from the risks of West Nile Virus.

Contact Us

Don’t let mosquitos put your family at risk. Contact Paragon Pest Control today at (972) 435-9797 or visit our website at to learn more about our mosquito reduction services and schedule an appointment.